Wugbajśo wěcej - lažčej a malsnjej

LibreOffice jo mócny běrowy paket; jogo pśeglědny wužywarski pówjerch a jogo wugbałe rědy wašu kreatiwnosć wubuźuju a wašu produktiwnosć pówušuju.
LibreOffice někotare nałoženja wopśimujo, kótarež jen k nejwugbałšemu dermotnemu běrowemu paketoju wótwórjonego žrědła na wikach cynje

Lichy běrowy paket

Lichy běrowy paket, wó kótaremž zgromaźeństwo Libreoffice jo cowało 12 lět

Wuslěźćo jen!

Rozwjaseleński projekt

LibreOffice jo jaden z nejpśijaśelnjejšych a nejmalsnjej rosćecych projektow licheje a wótwórjoneje softwary w swěśe.

Zgóńśo wěcej wó nas a našych gódnotach

Wjelicne luźe

LibreOffice jo wěcej ako software. Źo wó luźi, źo wó kulturu, źo wó napóranje, źělenje a zgromadne źěło.

Pśizamkniśo se nam źinsa!

LibreOffice jo licha software wótwórjonego žrědła. Wuwiśe jo wótwórjone za nowe sobustatkujuce a nowe ideje a naša software se kuždy źeń wót wjelikego a zagórjetego zgromaźeństwa wužywarjow testujo a wužywa.

Cyńśo sobu
Community Member Monday: Kira Tubo

Tell us a bit about yourself! I live in San Jose, California, USA. I’ve lived around the Bay Area my whole life, after my parents moved away from the Philippines when I was about a year old. I have had experience as a CRM (customer relations management) administrator, which partially functioned sort of like an […]

Cytajśo wěcej »

Quick tip: creating “hybrid” PDF files in LibreOffice

Here’s a LibreOffice feature you may not know about: when exporting a PDF, the “Hybrid PDF” option embeds the original file. Then anyone with a PDF reader can view the file – and LibreOffice users can edit it too. Learn more about this feature here

Cytajśo wěcej »

Community Member Monday: Kira Tubo

Tell us a bit about yourself! I live in San Jose, California, USA. I’ve lived around the Bay Area my whole life, after my parents moved away from the Philippines when I was about a year old. I have had experience as a CRM (customer relations management) administrator, which partially functioned sort of like an […]

Cytajśo wěcej »

2024-04-20 Saturday

Wedding Anniversary; 22 years of happiness. Off to see R&A's new daughter; exciting. Caught up with blog in the car, up-loaded some slides on background save from COOL days.

Cytajśo wěcej »